Letter from La Plata in Argentina (M. Mary Cho)

  • by WMD
  • Jun 05, 2014
  • 1226 reads

La Plata UBF, Argentina
June 5, 2014

In April, we moved into the new center. After we sent out M. John Moon’s family to pioneer the agricultural school of UBA, God helped us to find this new center and move here enlarging our tent even though our coworkers are fewer.
In the new center, we can see students in the morning and in the evening because it is located right in front of the school. We pray that we may invite new Bible students and raise up 30 Sunday worship service and ten house churches within five years.

I thank God for my daughter, Shep. Maria, who graduated from the dental school of UBA and passed the exam to be a resident in La Plata hospital. We are so thankful that she is able to participate in the pioneering ministry as she has been a good friend to Bible students supporting ministry.

Thank you for your prayer support and love.