Prayer Topics for Brazil

  • by WMD
  • Jun 06, 2014
  • 990 reads

Brazil UBF
June 6, 2014

Nowadays, the condition of Brazil is as follows: Socially and politically, the citizens demonstrate against extravagance with the public purse, which resulted in preparation for the World Cup; economically, the situation is also not good due to the spread of inflation; the people bring up questions about incompetency and decay of national leaders and there is greater consciousness on the part of Brazilians.
In such circumstances, spiritual conditions are rather good: the percentage of Christians is increasing by the vigorous proclamation of the gospel all over the country and the number of missionaries being sent out from Brazil is also going up.
We pray that the people of this country may realize that only the Lord Jesus can be their true hope and that they may turn to God; we especially pray that the Lord may call and raise up disciples among university/ college students through us.
Our missionaries serve four chapters in Brazil while attending to his or her occupation and preaching the gospel. We keep praying with never-giving-up spirit that the vision of campus evangelization may be fulfilled; presently, the Lord is raising up his disciples according to our prayers.
Our common prayer topics are as follows: Each chapter may raise up ancestors of faith, and campuses of twenty seven states in Brazil may be pioneered in God’s time, so that Brazilian UBF may be used preciously in the history of world mission.

Prayer Topics:

São Paulo UBF
1. For raising up twelve disciples.
2. For fishing and 40 teams of one to one Bible study every week.
3. For Sunday Worship service participants to worship in the Spirit and in truth.

Campinas UBF
1. For all the missionaries to be prepared for and to be used as excellent witnesses of the Gospel.
2. For raising up twelve disciples.

Consolacao UBF
1. For raising up ancestors of faith.
2. For fishing and active one to one Bible study.
3. For moving the UBF Center.

Mokka UBF
1. For raising up one Abraham and one Sarah.
2. For three times of fishing on campus every week.
3. For Second Generations’ growth in faith.
4. For moving the UBF Center.

By Elija Park.