Korea UBF Held the National Laymen Bible Conference

  • by WMD
  • Jun 11, 2014
  • 996 reads

Korean UBF
June 11, 2014

Korea UBF held its national laymen conference on June 6-7, 2014 at the international training institute affiliated with University of Hongik in Choongnam province, Korea.
God richly blessed this conference with much grace and with 416 attendees from 55 UBF chapters throughout the nation. It was a meaningful conference for Korean UBF laymen because the conference program was completely dependent on the laymen from beginning to end rather than on full-time staff.

Before the conference, in order to prepare (from March 2014), the presidents of laymen from each chapter came together throughout the nation. They made a committee consisting of six laymen for its detailed preparation. They met every Sunday night for about three month discussing and confirming the program and setting the date for the conference.

The opening lecture entitled, “Love Each Other" based on John 13 was given by Sh. David Kim (Korean UBF director). The main lecture 1 entitled, "I am the Way" based on John 14 was delivered by Sh. David Park (Gwangju3). The main lecture 2 entitled, “Remain in Me, in My Word and in My Love" based on John 15 was served by Sh. Luke Lee (Anam2).

All the messengers boldly gave their lectures with all their hearts and all the attendees were moved by the word of God showing approval, especially by clapping their hands.
Also, Dr. John Jun (UBF honorary general director from USA) gave a special lecture entitled, “The Identity and Vision of UBF Laymen" based on 1 Peter 2:9. Through his lecture all the attendees renewed their true identity as a royal priesthood, holding a clear direction for raising disciples through one to one Bible study and for serving world campus mission.

In the evening, after finishing the evening program, they had a time of fellowship making good friendships with each other and learning that there are many devoted laymen like themselves from other chapters, which was very encouraging.
Most of them spent the night writing testimonies while others woke up early in the morning to write their reflections on lecture 1, deeply accepting Jesus Christ as the way. The next day, through testimony sharing time, they were mutually encouraged by each other's faith.

At the end, they all gathered and took a group picture and then all the attendees knelt down on the grassy field to pray together for sending 100,000 missionaries by 2041 and for pioneering not-as-yet-pioneered countries and for raising disciples in all Korean campuses.

We praise and thank God for his abundant blessing through His word and grace upon this conference giving us new vision for world campus mission in his pleasure. It was the first national laymen conference in 12 years.

Moses Kim (Hakmo)
