HBF Conference, Germany

  • by WMD
  • Jun 26, 2014
  • 1173 reads

Germany UBF
June 26, 2014

After months of prayer, a conference for young people in Germany was initiated with a special focus on teenagers and high school kids. Initially, we had made reservations for 40 people. In the end, 51 people registered. Many of the young people registered right away after hearing about the conference not requiring any kind of extra invitation. This indicates there was a great spiritual need for a program dedicated to young people in Germany.

The theme of the conference was relationships and the aim was to provide a bird's eye view on what the Bible teaches about the relationship within the Godhead, about broken relationships, about friendship and relationships with the opposite sex. The speakers at the conference were Daniel Jung (Wuppertal), Enoch Hong (Heidelberg), Peter Youk (Giessen) and Jan Winand (Cologne).

Daniel gave the first message on the Trinity and how the Christian God is different from all other gods and how God was supremely revealed in the person of Jesus Christ. Enoch spoke about broken relationships on Saturday morning based on Genesis 3. The essence of sin is an inverse relationship, that is, human beings seeking to be like God. This broken relationship subsequently affects all other human relationships. On Saturday evening, Peter Youk preached on biblical friendship, a theme which has been very much neglected and underrated throughout Christianity although it is one of the highest callings and most important kinds of relationships human beings can have. Jan Winand gave the Sunday message on biblical marriage, largely based on Ephesians 5 emphasizing the different roles men and women assume in the context of a marriage.

Little-Sarah led a wonderful and lively workshop on biblical womanhood and manhood (one workshop for the girls on Saturday and another workshop for the boys on Sunday). The remaining time, she served all the young people with prayers, encouragement, hugs and tears.

We believe that God worked at the conference through his Holy Spirit and spoke to us through His word. He was with us during the powerful praise and worship (led by Noah Kang and Helen Kim and others). New friendships were formed and we could witness a young generation growing up with hunger, passion and love for Christ. Please continue to pray for German youth to be salt and light for the European nations.

In Christ,
Enoch Hong
