Jongro 2 UBF SBC Report, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Jul 24, 2014
  • 1190 reads

Jongro 2 UBF, Korea
July 14, 2014

On July 10-13, 2014, Chongro2 UBF held its summer Bible conference at Green Camp Youth Hostel at Gapyoung, Korea. The conference theme was “Jesus, the True Comforter". The total number of attendees was 128 including 28 newcomers. We thank God for sending 28 newcomers whose hearts were open to the word of God and for enabling us to have a graceful and beautiful conference.
The most characteristic feature of the conference was establishing three women as messengers among eight messengers. Two of them had never delivered a message before. Their names are Soonjung Kim and Aeran Suh.
They also were among those who suffered the most in our ministry for a long time under financial difficulties, raising children and other problems. However, God worked mightily and revealed his glory through their messages based on John 7, “Rivers of Living Water Will Overflow from Within Them" and John 8 " The Truth Will Set You Free".
They boldly proclaimed the words of God from their hearts since they experienced the power of God's word. Thus, all attendees were greatly moved by their messages and it was a great work of God in our ministry.
During the conference 14 people shared their sincere testimonies at the meeting. There were two impressive and heart-moving stories. One was that a brother who was tempted to join a cult "Sinchunji" by God's grace came out of it and came to know Christ proclaiming new life in Christ. Another was that a sister who was committed to a gay lifestyle and to all kinds of sins was forgiven and transformed to a totally new life in Christ.
Through this we learned that it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes though homosexuality and cults are among the worst obstacles to the gospel.
Just as before, our youth leaders hosted all kinds of worship programs with all their hearts. They served in many ways such as presiding and giving addresses and in other ways. So we could see new hope through them because they are growing as spiritual leaders giving new blood to our ministry.
We pray that during the remaining summer break God may enable us to bring newcomers to Saturday testimony sharing and to a special study of Romans so that we may raise them as disciples of Jesus.
We also pray for raising disciples among the students from Univ. of Kookmin, Sangmyoung and Korea National University of Arts in this year.
May God bless Chongro2 ministry to raise young people and to revive our ministry and this generation through the power of the Gospel.

By Spurgeon Lee
