Kenya UBF Ministry Report (First half of the year)

  • by WMD
  • Jul 28, 2014
  • 1179 reads

Kenya UBF
July 28, 2014

God Raised 12 Disciples

“Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to him those he wanted, and they came to him. He appointed twelve--designating them apostles--that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach and to have authority to drive out demons.” (Mark 3:13-15)

1. Discipleship Conference

We had our 2014 Discipleship Conference from May 30-June 1, 2014. The theme of the conference was “God’s Chosen Instrument” based on Acts 9: 1-31. We prayed for all of us to embrace Jesus’ forgiveness of sins and also find a spiritual direction to live as witnesses of Jesus. Shp. Kevin opened the conference with the title, “Do You Want to Get Well?” (Jn 5:1-16). All were encouraged to accept Jesus’ healing of our physical and spiritual invalid conditions. Shepherdess Linah shared her life experience based on John 8, “Neither Do I Condemn You!” She aborted while staying in campus, but she suffered from the spirit of condemnation even after marriage. Her sincere repentance and powerful witness of Jesus’ forgiveness opened the hearts of all attendants. Shep. Juma preached on “Jesus Came to Call Sinners” (Mk 2:1-17). His sharing encouraged us to come to Jesus who can heal any type of sin-sickness we have.

From the second half of the program, Shp. Joram delivered the message on “A Good Solider of Christ!” (2Tim 1:15). Joram shared his life experience on his change from a civilian who lived only to please his father to a Bible teacher for campus sheep based on the grace he had received from Jesus. Shp. Brian shared his life experience based on “Offer Your Bodies as Living Sacrifices” (Ro. 12:1-2). He repented his conforming spirit to the worldly way of searching for a marriage partner. He made a decision to offer his body as a living sacrifice, obeying and trusting God’s leading for his marriage. Shp. Nickson shared, “You are My Chosen Instrument” based on Acts 9:1-31. He emphasized that in Jesus we were saved freely, but not merely for freedom. Jesus did not call us just to enjoy salvation but to be his chosen instruments to serve Jesus’ salvation ministry.

Through this conference, God worked powerfully in many leadership candidates to repent their sinful life and to make spiritual decisions to live as living sacrifices in this corrupt generation.

2. Discipleship Devotion Camp

After the conference, about 30 students signed up to join the discipleship devotion program. We encouraged them to devote their time and heart for three weeks to 1:1 Bible study in Genesis, morning devotions, and rewriting their life testimonies. Finally, 12 candidates (nine sisters and five brothers) were able to complete the program faithfully and successfully. At the end of the camp, we held a life-testimony sharing festival where all members gathered to listen to them and pray for them. All testimony speakers were touched in heart. Some of them shared their testimony with tears that all of us were deeply moved by Jesus’ salvation grace. Finally, God designated them as shepherds and shepherdesses for young campus people. They are the spiritual fruits of our half year ministry in 2014! Praise God who used his words to touch us and help us repent and dedicate our lives to live for him!

3. Prayed for God’s work in Libya

God sent M. Jeremiah to us from Libya for a short-term stay. He visited Kenya for a month from the first week of July to assist his company business. He shared his mission report on Libya. We prayed for security in Libya and for Muslim brothers to accept Jesus as their Savior. We also see that it is God’s will for us to pray for evangelizing the Muslim world and we may also send a missionary to them in God’s time.

Prayer Topics:
1. For 12 disciples to grow as fruitful Bible teachers for lost souls in campus
2. For faithful and deep Bible study in Genesis (current) and then Revelation
3. To establish 12 house churches by 2020
4. To show us the way to send a missionary to Muslim countries
