2014 Anam 1 UBF SBC Report, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Jul 29, 2014
  • 1314 reads

Anam 1 UBF, Korea
July 29, 2014

"I am the Way" (John14:6)

On July 11-14, 2014 Anam 1 UBF held its summer conference with 170 attendees at the beautiful Gwanglim Seminar House at Pochun, Kyoung Ki province in Korea.
The conference theme was “I Am the Way." We held this as our prayer for this generation which is wandering in anxieties of the world, materialism, physical pleasure and humanism.

Some highlights of this conference are as follows:

First, students were raised as messengers. Sh. Wonsop Lee gave the opening message on Isaiah 55, Guna Kim gave main lecture 1 on John 8 and Minsoo Kim gave the main lecture 2 on Mt 27. All of these senior student leaders prepared their messages with all their hearts and delivered heart-moving messages.

Sh. Wonsop Lee spoke about the thirsty souls of campus students in this generation and he boldly delivered the message about the living water in Jesus Christ. Sh. Guna Kim shared Jesus' love which frees us from all condemnation for anyone who is in Christ. Sh. Minsoo Kim vividly proclaimed the Passion of Christ (the Mount Zion report) based on the gospel of Matthew. During his lecture we could fix our eyes on Jesus and meditate on the suffering Christ deeply.

Second, we divided our main lecturers into two groups: One for students and the other for laymen in order to accommodate each group. In the morning while students had GBS, the laymen group was given a lecture. Then when they finished, they joined the student group, listening to the student lecture together with the students.

Laymen lecture 1 entitled, "Comfort My People" from Isaiah 40 was given by Sh. Daejang Gwuan. It was very encouraging to all the attendees who were weary from struggling to keep their faith while living among people of unbelief in the dark aftermath of the Sewol ferry accident that occurred while en route from Incheon to Jeju, South Korea (April 16, 2014).

Laymen lecture 2 entitled, “The Ministry of Reconciliation" based on 2Cor 5 was given by Sh. Jaejin Kim. He boldly spoke about the gospel of reconciliation that God has given us to carry to all the world, the world which is full of quarrelling and arguments. Most of the laymen were moved by the layman messages, and they also agreed that these messages were more appropriate for them and matched their level better than the student messages.

Third, holding onto Jesus the Way through the conference. The second night Sh. Hyunyou Kim (Hyundai Moto chief researcher) delivered a clear message on "Jesus, the Way to Heaven" based on John 14:6 with joyful heart in spite of some difficult experiences at his workplace. He confidently testified how Jesus planted faith and hope in the kingdom of God in the hearts of his disciples who were filled with anxieties. Once, he too, was filled with anxieties but when he held on to Jesus the Way by memorizing 1Cor15, writing Daily Bread and testimony daily, he could escape all anxieties. God has also given him great victory over his work and he was awarded a special award last year due to his research in technology (hydrogen fuel cell) by the Korean government; his article was posted in the Korean Daily News.

Fourth, the cross of Jesus was the main theme in the conference. The student main lecture 1 "The Cross of Jesus" based on Matthew 27 was given by Sh. Minsoo Kim. He expressed the suffering of Christ vividly and logically leading all attendees to meditate on the cross of Jesus deeply.

And the next day Msn. Juan Seo (pioneer of Venezuela UBF) gave lecture 3, "The Way of the Cross." He spoke on how the cross of Jesus worked mightily among Venezuelan people for the last 17 years, and through his message everyone was greatly moved. Through the two messages about the cross of Jesus everyone could deeply learn about the sufferings of Christ and the power of the cross, filling everyone with Jesus' grace.

In addition Sh. Chulhan Park delivered an evening message entitled, "What is your Name?" from Mark5 and Sh. Boaz Choi also gave a lecture entitled, "A Priestly Nation and a Holy People" based on Ex19.

In the morning Sh. ByoungJun Kim delivered "I Will give you Rest" from Matthew11 and Sh. Joosuk Lee gave a lecture, “One thing I ask from the Lord" based on Psalm27. We thank God for all the messengers who poured out their hearts for their messages and thus glorified God.

Life testimony speakers were: Jinsin Park, Rebecca Suh, Ruth Lee, Deban Kim, Joonki Hong and Jooha Kim who shared graceful testimonies at the meeting. Especially sister Jooha Kim presented her heart-moving life story and faith which has overcome her fate by the love of God since she was born of a blind father and a handicapped mother. In addition, Sh. Humble Ahn shared his transformed life of faith in serving sheep with his whole heart, for he was moved by the love of Christ. And Msn. Hannah Soe (Moscow UBF) who has been serving God as a shepherd and missionary for about 30 years shared her beautiful life story in Christ.

Every night at the beginning of the meetings Anam (YESS) praise team led us to praise God and we all gave thanks and praise to God joyfully with all of our hearts. After finishing the evening program, we had a united prayer meeting led by Sh. Moses Kim in which we all knelt down before God, crying out to God with one heart. Through this united prayer meeting many confessed their sins and poured out their hearts before God and were filled with the Holy Spirit.

In order to serve this conference Anam Vision orchestra team which consisted of 2nd gens and laymen prepared music for about seven months. They performed Schubert’s Unfinished Symphony and other high level music conducted by Sh. Mansuk Han.

Afterward, there was a talent contest, fellowship by fellowship, and everyone really enjoyed it; some laughed their heads off. At the end, women coworkers prepared abundant refreshments and we had a joyful eating fellowship and finished with a heavenly feast. We express our heartfelt thanks to all our precious coworkers for their hard labor of love for the conference.

We praise and thank God for Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life, who shed his precious blood on the cross for us and who is working mightily among us and his servants throughout the world to save the world through the power of the gospel.

John Bach Lee
