Gwangjoo 1,6 & Pusan UBF had a Joint SBC, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Jul 31, 2014
  • 973 reads

Gwangjoo 1,6 & Pusan UBF, Korea
July 31, 2014

God's Great Love

On July 17-20 Gwangjoo 1,6 and Pusan UBF held its joint summer conference with the theme “God's Great Love” at Damyang Bible College in Korea.
The number of attendees was 203 from Gwangjoob 1&6 UBF and 12 from Pusan UBF). Most of the nine lecturers were moved by God's great love and boldly delivered their messages with tears.
God also helped our testimony speakers to share their sincere testimonies before God. In this way, all the hearts of the attendees, including new comers, were opened widely to the words of God. Many repented and confessed their hidden sins before God. It was a great work of God among Gwangjoo 1&6 and Pusan ministry.

After listening to the final lecture all the attendees made a clear decision to offer their bodies to God as instruments of righteousness depending on the grace of salvation through the precious blood of Jesus.

We also thank God for our precious missionaries who could come to join our SBC and that they were greatly encouraged. Their names are Ezra Lee (USA), Isaac Lim and Caleb Kim (Kirgizstan), Ludia Lee and Hannah Gwak (Canada).

Through the conference we also could see a new vision for raising disciples among brothers who are growing in common life team. They performed wonderful music for the conference with all their hearts making everyone joyful.

God also greatly encouraged us to see another new vision for raising student disciples because our young students willingly prepared dancing for a month and performed beautiful and joyful dancing for the conference.

Most of all, we thank God for sending Sh. Peter and his wife Petra Jun to Czech Republic as a missionary family right after delivering his message at the conference. Sh. Joseph Lim is also going to be sent to USA as a missionary on Aug. 25. He also delivered a message at the conference.

After finishing the conference, in order to raise student disciples, we began a special Romans Bible study with all the students in our ministry. We are also helping newcomers to deeply accept the gospel message through Matthew team discipleship training every Saturday.

Jonathan Kim
