Korea UBF Second Gen Music Concert

  • by WMD
  • Aug 11, 2014
  • 901 reads

Korea UBF
August 11, 2014

After finishing the 2014 second generation music concert in Korea, conducted by Joshua Lim, I would say it was a passionate music concert in which the UBF second gens poured out their whole hearts and love for God the Father through their performance on a hot summer night in Korea. At the beginning of last semester when they began to practice, it seemed impossible for them to perform the symphony of Brahms and the overture of Mozart.

But amazingly they were successful with their passion and love for Jesus. It was an inspiration not only to the second gens but to all so that they broke into rapturous applause.

Rebecca Chung who recently entered a college of music expressed the grace of God which was given her by God through her piano performance.

We held this summer music concert not at the general music concert hall but at UBF Jongno center. Then we could enjoy the spiritual environment as if it was our home.

While the concert was in progress, all who were in attendance could unload their burdens and busy minds and enjoy the beautiful music from the second gens on a summer night.

I have difficulty in managing the orchestra because the members of the orchestra come and go every year. I really thank God for advancing the music skill of our orchestra year after year.

I pray that our second gens may continue to grow as spiritual leaders and live up to the standard God can use in God's great love and one-sided grace and in their parents’ legacy of faith. I also pray that God may continually and preciously use our orchestra in second generation ministry for his name’s sake.

Joshua Lim
