The Third Day of CIS Int’l SBC 2014

  • by WMD
  • Aug 24, 2014
  • 1583 reads


The Third Day of CIS ISBC 2014

Morning devotion: The title of S. Sergey’s (St. Petersburg) message was “Your Kingdom Come” (Mt 6:9-13) from the Lord’s Prayer. This was Jesus’ prayer topic. When Jesus reigns in our heart we are full of love, peace, joy and light. Sergey went back and forth between two kingdoms, but now he firmly decided to belong to God’s kingdom and prays that “God’s kingdom come to all CIS.”

After the Moscow choir: “Rise, shine Jerusalem!” the main message was delivered by Konstantin Kalinkin: “A Royal Priesthood” (1 Pet 2:9). His message moved our hearts because of his renewing his mission after he came to accept Jesus in 1993. He recently accepted being a royal priesthood as the most glorious privilege and responsibility from his heart and life. He is ready to be a bridge between God and lost souls by sharing the word of God with a broad mind.

Paula Yumsanova (Perm) shared her life testimony. Poverty, death of a family member, lustful desire and conflict with her parents made her miserable. In 2004 she entered Moscow University and heard Jn. 15:5 and began a vine and branch relationship with Jesus. She could forgive her father and now joyfully shares Jesus with others.

In the evening Almaty UBF choir supported the evening messenger Abraham (Almaty) who delivered, “A Christian View of History” (Mk 13). Though the world becomes more difficult for the believers even to survive, God is working through all these things so that the gospel may be preached to the ends of the earth. We must preach the gospel vigorously as new history-makers.

Five life testimonies: Aysulu (Almaty) : "Love the Lord with All Your Heart" (Deut. 6:5). She endured many years of her family's persecution. But her family is slowly accepting her. She and her husband Peter pray to be sent out as missionaries. Hai Ruth (C country) shared her apostleship (mission) based on Romans 1:5.

Liliya (Uzbekistan): She suffered from lustful desires and her father’s alcoholism; no power could save her from all these sins but Jesus forgave her so that she could walk in the light. Ludia Oh (Belarus): Many left Belarus but her family remained as a missionary family. She once hated Belarus but now she came to love Belarus as her mission field. Sarah Gulzan (Osh, Kyrgyzstan): Through one to one Bible study with M. Rebekah, she accepted Lk 5:27, "Jesus’ Calling a Tax Collector." She became a source of blessing for her Muslim families with Gen. 12:2.

S. Moses Kim of Hanyang UBF, Korea shared prayer topics of C nation:

1. May God use C nation to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation
2. C nation may send missionaries
3. May God raise one Abraham and Sarah in each of 700 C nation campuses
4. Raise 20 mission families, 10 shepherd families,
5. Oct. 2-4 Korean conference for China and Sh. Moses Lee and Moses Noh

We celebrated the CIS to be a kingdom of priests with dancing and music performances from many chapters.
