Update of little Daniel Kim of Campinas UBF, Brazil

  • by WMD
  • Sep 03, 2014
  • 936 reads

Campinas UBF, Brazil
September 3, 2014

On Sep 1 his doctor removed the hose-piece from his nose and he is breathing by himself without any help. Nourishment is being given through his stomach directly after finishing the surgery (He received two kinds of surgery on Friday morning, Aug. 29, in order to breathe through his throat and to insert nourishment into his stomach).

This morning we found one disturbing thing: His sputum is coming over into his bronchial tubes because his brain and nerve function is still not recovered. If it continues to do this, it will fill his lung with water causing trouble for his lung to function and making his situation even more dangerous.

We pray that his sputum may not keep coming into his lung but into his throat. He is still in a coma situation.

Please pray also that his brain/ nerve function may be completely restored to normal only by God's grace for his name's sake. We believe and praise God for he will surely give us victory in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and he will surely fulfill his good purpose for Daniel.
We appreciate you for your prayer support.

Andrew and Deborah Kim
