Urgent Prayer Request from Campinas, Brazil

  • by WMD
  • Aug 18, 2014
  • 1445 reads

Campinas UBF, Brazil
August 17, 2014

Daniel Kim(3year old), the son of M. Andrew and Deborah Kim (Campinas, Brazil) is in urgent care unit in Brazil since he was fall into a swimming pool on Aug14.
At the beginning his heart was stopped beating and there was no hope for him to be restored after the CPR for 25 minutes. But by God's grace and by the prayers of many servants of God his heart began to beating and other organs are restoring such as his eyes, hands, foot and mouth are moving. But his eyes still can not focus on and his ears can not listening to. It seems his brain has swollen. His doctor said it takes time about 48-72 hours for him to be restored. Currently his doctor is trying to take substances out from his inner body through his respiratory organs. And he is using hospice now.
We are holding onto Luke8:50 "Don't be afraid; just believe".
Through this incidence we felt that God who is alive is with us and he is good.Please pray that Daniel's brain may be back to normal and fully recovered.
We also pray that God may grow him healthy and use him as a witness of risen Christ.

In Christ
Andrew and Deborah Kim