New Missionary to USA from Kwangjoo UBF, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Aug 16, 2014
  • 1183 reads

Kwangjoo1, 6 UBF, Korea
August 16, 2014

On Aug 8, 2014, M. Joseph Lim was sent to Chicago UBF from Kwangjoo1, 6 as a missionary.

He graduated from Univ. of Chunnam (Education) and has been working as a middle school teacher in Korea. God led him to Chicago UBF since he has been praying for God's direction for his mission field. He is going to serve UIC ministry co-working with Dr. Charles Kim and M. Little Sarah Kim. He also prays to establish a house church with Grace Ahn, the first daughter of M. James and Anna Ahn.

Please pray for him as follows:
1. To solve his visa problem and to get a teaching job in Chicago
2. To learn English and cowork well with senior missionaries
3. To bear training topics such as early morning prayer, daily bread, learning English, and serving others
4. To grow as a good Bible teacher and a good shepherd who can take care of wandering young souls in the campus and second gens

Nehemiah Kim