Caracas UBF had the Inaugural Worship Service, Venezuela

  • by WMD
  • Aug 14, 2014
  • 1737 reads

Caracas UBF, Venezuela
August 13, 2014

Last Sunday, we had our special Sunday inaugural service for the inauguration of the new main hall of our Bible Center. By the grace of God, I preached the message on Exodus 19:1-6, "You Will be a Kingdom of Priests and Holy People". God delivered his people out of Egypt, carrying them on eagle's wings. God had hope of turning that slave-mentality people into a holy nation and shepherds for the whole world. For this reason, God gave them his holy Law. By obeying His voice and keeping His covenant, they would be a blessing for the world. God also has this hope for Venezuelans. We pray that the new hall will be a place where many young people listen to and obey the Word of God, be saved and converted into a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.

After the message, Sh. Alirio (Construction Manager) gave a report in which he showed us the spiritual struggle during seven months for demolition of the old hall and construction of the new one. He faced many challenges; but God gave him victory through prayer. His wife Shs. Yenny supported him and worked hard for the decoration of the hall. We watched a video of the different centers of Caracas UBF since 1989. Then we had time to cut the ribbon at the main entrance after the prayer of the Shs. Sara and Shs. Katiuska. Many new Bible students came and some even signed up to participate in the summer conference (August 28-31). Each fellowship cooked a special dish and shared it with everyone. We closed with a beautiful and delicious cake.

Thank you for your prayers for UBF Venezuela! These days there is a lot of work in the vineyard of the Lord: self-supporting families, discipleship, summer conference preparation, and the support of other chapters of Venezuela. I especially ask for your prayers to be focused on 1:1 Bible study, discipleship and forming 100 house churches.

One Word: God of hope: Venezuela, a kingdom of priests and a holy nation, a shepherd nation for the whole world.

Aug 5, 2014

In Christ,
Gustavo Prato