(THE 29TH KOREAN FORUM-6/29-VIDEO) “Having Christian Ethics & Perspective toward AI (Artificial Intelligence): What should We Prepare in AI Age?”

  • Jun 27, 2024
  • 1324 reads

On June 29, by God's great grace, we held our 29th Korean Forum. Dr. Peter Lee, Dr. Joseph Cho, and Dr. Paul Hong delivered outstanding lectures on the topic of "Having Christian Ethics & Perspective toward AI: What should we prepare for in the AI Age?" It was a time to understand this tsunami-like era of AI from God's perspective and share God's wisdom to manage and use it. It was a time for missionaries on the front lines and many shepherds in Korea to gain wisdom to read the challenges and times. We hope to expand this topic in the 30th Forum. In total, more than 140 mission coworkers attended, and it was a time of fellowship and prayer together for the world mission and ESBC, 2024.

In Christ, Ezra Cho



Dear UBF Mission Coworkers,

We will have the 29th Korean Online Forum on Saturday, June 29, 2024. The topic will be “Having Christian Ethics & Perspective toward AI (Artificial Intelligence): What Should We Prepare in AI Age?” With the rapid rise of technologies like AI & ChatGPT, these have alarmed churches and spiritual lives everywhere. In this forum, we’ll discuss the proper Christian ethics/perspective for believers in the age of AI and share God's wisdom on how to wisely use these modern technologies for campus mission. Scripture calls us to work hard, be responsible, and use wisdom. Please join the Forum to gain God’s wisdom for overcoming these challenges of our time, and to keep up with the advance of his kingdom works.

Date: Saturday, June 29, 2024. 
Time: 8am (EDT New York, USA), 7am (CDT Chicago, USA), 2pm (CEST Berlin, Germany), 9pm (KST, Korea)  
Target Attendees: Korean Missionaries and Leaders              
Panelists: Dr. Peter Lee (Korea, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, SKKU), Dr. Joseph Cho (LA, USA), Dr. Paul Hong (USA, Distinguished University Professor of Operations Management and Asian Studies Program at The University of Toledo)

Moderator: Dr. Ezra Cho (USA)

* 29 한국어 포럼: “AI(인공지능)에 대한 기독교 윤리/관점에 대하여: 인공지능 시대에 우리는 무엇을 준비해야 하는가?

날짜: 2024 6 29 (토요일)
시간오전8 (뉴욕), 오전 7 (시카고), 오후2 (독일), 오후9 (한국)
발표자이 게바 목자 (한양 UBF, 한국 ), 요셉 선교사 (LA, 미국) , 선교사 (Toledo,미국                                                       
진행자 에스라 선교사 (미국)   

2024년 6월 29일(토) 제29차 한국어 포럼이 열립니다. 주제는 AI(인공지능)에 대한 기독교 윤리/관점에 대하여: 인공지능 시대에 우리는 무엇을 준비해야 하는가?입니다.  AIChatGPT와 같은 과학기술이 급성장하면서 전 세계의 교회와 영적 삶에 경각심을 불러일으키고 있습니다. 이 포럼에서는 AI 시대에 신자들이 가져야 할 올바른 기독교 윤리/관점에 대해 논의하고, 캠퍼스 사역에 이러한 현대 기술을 지혜롭게 사용할 수 있는 하나님의 지혜를 나누고자 합니다. 성경은 우리에게 열심히 일하고, 책임감을 갖고, 지혜를 사용하라고 말씀하십니다. 포럼에 참여하셔서  우리 시대의 이러한 도전을 극복하고, 또 이러한 시대에 우리가 준비해야 할 것이 무엇인지 함께 배우고자 합니다.

Presented via Zoom: The Zoom invitation will be sent out to registered emails prior to the meeting. If you want to join the 29th Korean Online Forum, please register on the HQ Website today (https://ubf.org/onlineforum/korean).    

* UBF Online Forum Committee
   Chair: Dr. Ezra Cho (ezra5978@gmail.com)

Los Angeles, USA              Sat, Jun 29, 2024 at 5:00 am PDT
Chicago, USA                  Sat, Jun 29, 2024 at 7:00 am CDT
New York, USA                 Sat, Jun 29, 2024 at 8:00 am EDT
Johannesburg, South Africa    Sat, Jun 29, 2024 at 2:00 pm SAST
Berlin, Germany               Sat, Jun 29, 2024 at 2:00 pm CEST
Singapore, Singapore          Sat, Jun 29, 2024 at 8:00 pm SGT
Seoul, South Korea            Sat, Jun 29, 2024 at 9:00 pm KST
Sydney, Australia             Sat, Jun 29, 2024 at 10:00 pm AEST


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