(TAIWAN) Baptism in Taipei UBF & Pastor Ron Prayed and Encouraged Taiwan UBF

  • by Mark H.
  • Apr 24, 2024
  • 345 reads

The first baptism service and communion took place in Taipei UBF, where Brother Ge-Wei and Marcos were baptized. These two brothers faced struggles, but through prayer support, they personally encountered God. Pastor Ron led a bible study on Romans Chapter 6 and emphasized the need for God's mercy and redemption. He also challenged the members to have a vision for the Taiwanese students and to send missionaries.

Additionally, Pastor Ron prayed for the campus and ministry to raise missionaries and bible teachers. Ge-Wei shared his testimony of finding hope and meaning in Christ, while Marcos learned to seek God's Kingdom first. In Taichung, Pastor Ron's couple visited Dr. Yawen, whose life was transformed through Bible study, and she now serves as a blessing among her students and colleagues. The visit of Pastor Ron's couple to Taiwan has strengthened the vision of becoming a Kingdom of Priest and a Holy Nation, able to send missionaries for world campus ministry.

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