(BOLIVIA) Santa Cruz UBF had a Beautiful Retreat from February 10-13, 2024

The New Life in the Love of the Father

From February 10 to 13, 2024, Santa Cruz UBF held a retreat in the town of URUBÓ, 40 minutes away from Santa Cruz. The retreat was held during the carnival holiday and was attended by 26 people, 6 of whom were new attendees. The theme of the retreat was “The New Life in the Love of the Father.”

On the first day, Fernando shared his message, “The Great Love of Our Heavenly Father” (Luke 15:1-32), which emphasized how our Father in Heaven welcomes his children with great joy and throws a great party when they return. On the second day, Pablo delivered a message titled "Jesus came to seek and save the lost," based on Luke 19:1-10. On the third day. Mary shared a message based on John 7:37-39 and 8:1-11. On the fourth day, Joseph gave the message based on the scripture John 21:1-18. We thank God that the messengers prepared their messages with full devotion and grew spiritually, and the participants received much grace.

*UBF (University Bible Fellowship) - ubf.org

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