(HQ-UPDATE) Pastor Ron Ward Prayer Topics & Schedule Updates: Attending Messenger Camp in Germany

  • by UBF HQ
  • Jun 05, 2024
  • 2574 reads

Prayer for P. Ron Ward's Visit to Germany 

Please remember the following in your prayers:

P. Ron Ward is visiting Germany (Cologne, Bonn City, and Heidelberg) to fellowship with leaders. He will also take part in the messenger camp for the European Summer Bible Conference from June 6 to 9. Please pray for the ESBC messengers to prepare and deliver life-giving messages. Also, pray for the testimony speakers to reveal the grace of Jesus and for many European young people to find the Way in Jesus Christ. Please pray for P. Ron's messages, good health, and safe travels.


by HQ

Upcoming Pastor Ron Ward's Trip to Germany to Attend the Messenger Camp from June 6-9 

P. Ron Ward will travel to Germany on May 29th to visit Bonn City, Cologne, and Heidelberg, to have fellowship with leaders from other chapters. P. Reiner S. invited him to take part in the messenger camp for the European Summer Bible Conference from June 6-9. He plans to return to Chicago on June 10. Please pray for the ESBC messengers to prepare and deliver life-giving messages. Please pray for the testimony speakers to reveal the grace of Jesus, and that many European young people may find the Way in Jesus Christ. Please pray for P. Ron's messages, good health, and journey mercy.


by HQ

Prayer for P. Ron

P. Ron Ward recently completed his visit to Japan, Hong Kong (Apr 4-8), and Taiwan (Apr 9-12), and has now arrived in Korea. His visit to Hong Kong and Taiwan has encouraged UBF communities in these places. He will be attending the Korea Staff Conference (Apr 15-17) and the World Mission Report in Korea (April 17-19), where he will deliver the message, “Open Your Eyes and Look at the Fields” (John 4:35). Let's continue to keep him in our prayers.


by HQ

P. Ron Ward's Visit to Asia

P. Ron recently completed his visit to Japan's UBF chapters from March 21 to April 3. During the Tokyo Easter Retreat, he delivered a message on "The Glory of the Resurrection" based on 1 Corinthians 15:35-58. P. Ron and Devilla W. are currently visiting Hong Kong, where he will deliver an Easter message. He will then travel to Taiwan from April 9 to 12, followed by his visit to Korea for the Korea Staff Conference and the World Mission Report in Korea. Please pray that God will continue to empower him with his Spirit. Please click here to read P. Ron's updates on his first week of the visit to Japan.

P. Ron Ward's main prayer request for the UBF community now is for the upcoming ESBC. Please pray for the five appointed messengers to speak God's living word, for robust attendance from Europe and Germany, and for Europe's spiritual revival.


by HQ

P. Ron Ward's Visit to Asia

P. Ron is visiting Japan's UBF chapters (3/21-4/3), accompanied by Devila W., M David & Joy K. During the Japan Next Generation Disciples Conference (3/22-24), P. Ron delivered the message on Acts 2:1-21, "Your Young People Will See Visions." He will also speak on 1 Corinthians 15:35-58, "The Glory of the Resurrection," during the Tokyo Easter Celebration 3/29-31). May God's Word encourage our Japanese missionaries and shepherds and help them see God's vision for Japan.

After he visits Japan, P. Ron will also travel to Hong Kong (4/4 -8), followed by Taiwan (4/9-12). He will then attend the Korea Staff Conference and then speak at the World Mission Report in Korea (4/17-19), where he will deliver the message titled “Open Your Eyes and Look at the Fields” based on John 4:35. May God continue to empower him with his Spirit.

P. Ron Ward's main prayer request for the UBF community now is for the upcoming ESBC. Please pray for the five appointed messengers to speak God's living word, for robust attendance from Europe and Germany, and for Europe's spiritual revival.


by HQ

P. Ron Ward Is Visiting Asia

P. Ron Ward's main prayer request for the UBF community now is for the ESBC. Please pray for the five appointed messengers to speak God's living word, for robust attendance from Europe and Germany, and Europe's spiritual revival.

Currently, he is visiting Japan UBF chapters (Mar 21- Apr 3) accompanied by Devila W., M David & Joy K. Pray for P. Ron's message on Acts 2:1-21, "Your Young People Will See Visions," during the New Gen Conference (3/22-24) and his message on 1 Corinthians 15:35-58, "The Glory of the Resurrection," during the Tokyo Easter Celebration (3/29-31). Also, pray for M. David K.'s lectures on "The Spirituality of the Cross" and "The Spiritual Legacy of Dr. Samuel Lee" and his group Bible studies on Isaiah 40. May God's Word encourage our Japanese missionaries and shepherds and help them see God's vision for Japan.

Then, P. Ron will visit Hong Kong (Apr 4-8), followed by Taiwan (Apr 9-12). He will attend the Korea Staff Conference (Apr 15-17). After that, he will speak at the World Mission Report in Korea (April 17-19 ), where he will deliver the message “Open Your Eyes and Look at the Fields” (John 4:35).


by HQ

P. Ron Ward's Prayer Request

P. Ron Ward's main prayer request for the UBF community now is for the ESBC. Please pray for the raising of five anointed messengers to speak God's living word and the formation of a messenger mentor team. Please pray for a robust attendance from Europe and Germany and for the spiritual revival of Europe.

From March 20 to April 22, he will be going on a mission trip to Asia: visiting Japan (Mar 21- Apr 3) accompanied by Devila W., M David & Joy K.; then Hong Kong (Apr 4-8) and Taiwan (Apr 9-12). Then, he will visit Korea to attend the Korea Staff Conference (Apr 15-17). Finally, he will attend the World Mission Report in Korea (April 17-19 ), where he will serve the message, “Open Your Eyes and Look at the Fields” (John 4:35).


by HQ

Pastor Ron Ward's Prayer Request

This week, P. Ron is visiting Cincinnati UBF. He asks for prayer support for renewal and revival in Cincinnati UBF as they come to Jesus' cross through Bible study and testimony writing in small groups.

His main prayer request for the UBF community now is for the ESBC. Please pray for raising five anointed messengers to speak God's living word and for forming a messenger mentor team. Please pray for robust attendance from Europe and Germany and the spiritual revival of Europe.

From March 20 to April 22, he will embark on a mission trip to Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Korea.


by Ron W.

Pastor Ron Ward and the New Year's Message

From December 1 until now, I have attended conferences in Korea, Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, Europe, and North America and delivered the New Year's message "Have Faith in God." God blessed these conferences abundantly and the word of God worked powerfully. It was a great privilege to meet God's servants in each mission field to learn of their faith and spirit and how God is at work in their ministries. At the same time, it was demanding on my mind and body. And in the midst of these journeys, I had gallbladder surgery. Frankly, it was beyond my strength and ability to bear. But God has upheld me by his grace through the prayers of his servants all over the world. At this moment, I give glory to God and thanks to all those who have prayed for me. May God make 2024 the year of mountain-moving faith and Christ's forgiving love!


by HQ

Pray for P. Ron Ward and the New Year's Message 

P. Ron Ward recently attended the European National Coordinators' Conference in Bergen, Norway. Thank God for blessing the conference. He is scheduled to attend the NA Staff Conference in Los Angeles on February 22-24. Let us pray that the message of "Having faith in God" will continue to spread and gain strength across all continents in the New Year.

During his time in Norway, P. Ron also attended the North America Represent Members Meeting online, where he delivered an encouraging report on God's work across Asia, Africa, South America, and the Middle East. He shared several prayer topics as follows:

1. To have faith in God in 2024--especially faith that moves mountains and empowers us to make disciples of all nations.
2. To practice Jesus' forgiving love and build up loving spiritual communities.
3. For the raising of spiritual leaders among young people who live by gospel faith and make disciples in their own generation.
4. For the North American Staff Conference, Feb 22-24 in L.A.
5. For the European Summer Bible Conference 2024 in Prague, Czech Republic, Aug. 1-4, 2024.
      A. To reveal Jesus the Way to all attendants, especially young Europeans
      B. For the raising of powerful messengers of God's word.
      C. For graceful life testimonies and special programs
      D. God's wisdom and strength be upon Reiner S. as he leads preparation.
      E. For the spiritual revival of Europe.


Thank God for blessing the recent continental directors' conferences in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. The M.E. conference was successful and fruitful. We kindly request prayers for P. Ron's health as he travels extensively. He will leave for Norway on February 7 to attend the European Coordinators Conference, followed by the NA Staff Conference in Los Angeles. Let's pray that the New Year's message of "Having Faith in God" will continue to spread and gain power in every continent. May 2024 be a year of experiencing mountain-moving faith and Christ's forgiving love.


Pray for P. Ron Ward and the New Year's Message

Thank God for Blessing the continental directors' conferences (Africa, Asia, and Latin America). Thank you for your prayers. P. Ron is attending the M.E. Directors Conference in Egypt (Jan 26-28), where the name of Jesus, the power and the wisdom of God, will be powerfully proclaimed. After his return on January 31, he will leave for Norway on Feb 7 to attend the European Coordinators Conference in Norway, followed by the NA Staff Conference in Los Angeles. Let's pray that the New Year's message "Have faith in God" will continue gaining power in each continent. May 2024 be the year of experiencing mountain-moving faith and Christ's forgiving love.


by Augustine S.

Prayer for P. Ron Ward and the New Year's Message

Thank God for Blessing the continental directors' conferences (Africa, Asia, and Latin America). P. Ron's "Have Faith in God" message has been well received and appreciated. Thank you for your prayers. He will leave on January 24 to attend the Middle East Directors Conference in Egypt. After that, he will attend the European Coordinators Conference in Norway and the NA Staff Conference in Los Angeles. Let's pray that the New Year's message "Have faith in God" will continue gaining power in each continent. May 2024 be the year of experiencing mountain-moving faith and Christ's forgiving love.


by Augustine S.

Prayer for P. Ron Ward and the New Year's Message

P. Ron Ward is currently attending the Latin America Directors Conference from January 12th to 14th. His message, "Have Faith in God," has been blessed by God. After returning to Chicago on January 16th, he will be attending the Middle East Directors Conference in Egypt, the European Coordinators Conference in Norway, and finally the NA Staff Conference in Los Angeles.

Let us pray that the message of "Having faith in God" continues to gain strength in each respective continent. May 2024 be the year of experiencing mountain-moving faith and Christ's forgiving love.


by Augustine S.

Pray for P. Ron Ward and His New Year Message 

God has blessed the Asia Directors Conference (Jan 4-6) very much, and P. Ron's message was blessed. After returning to Chicago on Jan 9, he will attend the Latin American Directors Conference in Colombia, the Middle East Directors Conference in Egypt, the European Coordinators Conference in Norway, and finally the NA Staff Conference in Los Angeles.

Please continue to pray that the New Year's message "Have faith in God" may continue to gain power in each respective continent, and for 2024 to be the year of experiencing mountain-moving faith and Christ's forgiving love.


by HQ. 

After the successful sergery, Pastor Ron and his wife Dervilla Ward departed to Malaysia in January 1, 2024

Please pray for Pastor Ron and Dervilla Ward's mission trip to Malaysia in order to attend the Asia's New Year Director's conference from January 4-6, 2024. They left on Monday January 1st after the prayer meeting at 6:30 am at the Chicago UBF church basement. May God bless their mission journey to Malaysia, to be bold and brave witnesses at the University of Malaysia campus & reach as many students, as possible at Monash University. And to be an encoragment and blessing to many UBF Malaysia coworkers and UBF chapter leaders in Asia.

After that, he plans to attend the Latin American Directors Conference in Colombia, the Middle East Directors Conference in Egypt, the European Coordinators Conference in Norway, and finally the NA Staff Conference in Los Angeles. Please pray that the New Year's message "Have faith in God" may continue to gain power in each respective continent, and for 2024 to be the year of experiencing mountain-moving faith and Christ's forgiving love.

by Dervilla W.

P. Ron Ward Had a Successful Surgery!

Praise God for P. Ron's successful surgery without any complications. Dervilla W. shared the good news that the surgeon reported a smooth laparoscopic procedure with only four small incisions. The gall bladder was found to be packed full of stones, indicating that P. Ron had been silently enduring pain for some time. His resilience shines through as he continues to work without complaint.

The power of prayer from our coworkers played a crucial role. Despite bureaucratic hurdles that threatened to delay treatment into the next year, God intervened, clearing the way for the surgery. Please continue to pray for his full recovery.


by John S.

At the recently concluded 2024 Korea Staff Shepherds' Conference from December 4-6, P. Ron Ward delivered a powerful, graceful, and encouraging message that left a lasting impact on all who were present. He is set to deliver the New Year message at the upcoming 2024 Africa New Year Conference from December 15-17. P. Ron is currently suffering from gallbladder stones and is scheduled for surgery on December 19 in Chicago, but there are administrative issues that need resolution.

We kindly request your prayers for P. Ron Ward's recovery and the successful completion of his mission trip. Let us join our hearts and voices in prayer, asking for his safe return and a speedy resolution to his health concerns. Your support and prayers can make a significant difference in ensuring that P. Ron Ward can continue inspiring and encouraging others with his messages of hope and grace.


by John S.

P. Ron Ward left Chicago on Dec. 1 and arrived safely in Korea. He joined the Korea UBF Staff Conference and delivered the 2024 New Year Message. Please continue to pray for his message and good health.

*Read P. Ron's full prayer topics here: https://ubf.org/articledetail/17905