(HQ-UPDATE) Call for Prayer Topics - The UBF World Wide Prayer Map - Nigeria

  • by UBF HQ
  • Oct 25, 2023
  • 729 reads

by Joshua H.

Dear chapter leaders, please send your chapter's prayer topics with some pictures to ubfintercessors@gmail.com.
Below is a sample from Medilag UBF:

MEDILAG UBF (College of Medicine University of Lagos, Nigeria)
“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit-fruit that will last- and so that whatever you ask in my name
the Father will give you.” John 15:16

Prayer Topics:
1. Raise and empower the next generation of leaders (Josiah A, Kelvin O, Daniel O. & Johnson B.) as shepherd leaders.
2. Ronke and Remi to build a community of women of faith and prayer with Priscilla and 5 other sisters.
3. Chiaka to raise two faithful disciples and co-workers in FUNAI, Ebonyi state.
4. 2 Medical graduates to accept God’s mission and to be sent out as missionaries.
5. Raise 12 new disciples with obedience to the word of God.
6. Mustard Seed and Joshua Fellowship to be seed of pioneering work in Nigeria.


by Joshua H.

Dear chapter leaders, please send your chapter's prayer topics with some pictures to ubfintercessors@gmail.com.
Below is a sample from IUPUI UBF:

Indianapolis UBF (David & Joy K.)

Key Verse & Vision: "Glorify God with One Mind" (Ro 15:5-6)
Lay a firm foundation based on "Sincere Prayer," "God's Word," and "Agape Love."

Prayer topics
40 1:1s, 20 Worshipers
12 Testimony Sharers. Raise 12 Bible teachers

Next Generation Leaders
Curtis R. (Fiance)--Stewardship
Christopher H. (Bioengineering)--shepherding


by Joshua H.

The World Mission Department of UBF HQ is making a Prayer Map for effective and fervent intercession for every UBF chapter. Please send your chapter prayer topics and pictures to ubfintercessors@gmail.com.

1. Vision or key verse for your chapter
2. 3 general prayer topics
3. Next-generation leaders and their prayer topics
4. 2 or 3 pictures that can represent your chapter and its members

[A sample]
I-Vine UBF (the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign) Joshua & Grace H.

Vision: Grow to bear fruits by abiding in Jesus the Vine (Jn 15:5)

1. Prayer topics

  • Raise harvest workers
  • Community of God’s love, God’s vision, and God’s mission
  • 15 sustainable discipleship groups for 15 colleagues at UIUC

2. Next generation leaders

  • Dylan B. (Law): steward for student ministry
  • John K. (Computer Eng): grow as a shepherd
  • Bolaji (Sustainable Design): worker for the ministry