(THE 11TH SPANISH FORUM-9/29-VIDEO) "Family Worship"

  • by UBF HQ
  • Oct 10, 2023
  • 548 reads


1. Adoración en familia: todas las familias adorarán delante de Jehová - M. Goheun Rhee (Louisville, EEUU) / Family Worship: All families will worship before the Lord - M. Goheun Rhee (Louisville, USA)

2.  Adoración familiar en el día a día - M. Luis Zambrano (Chile) / Daily Family Worship - M. Luis Zambrano (Chile)


Dear UBF Mission Colleagues,

Thanks to God, the 11th Online Spanish Forum took place on Friday, September 29, 2023. On the topic of "Family Worship," the two speakers shared their presentations along with their beautiful testimonies. We learned about the importance of celebrating family worship in our daily lives.

Topics & Panelists:

  1. Family Worship: All families will worship before the Lord - M. Goheun Rhee (Louisville, USA)
  2. Daily Family Worship - M. Luis Zambrano (Chile)

More than 140 participants actively engaged with questions and uplifting opinions. Many were deeply moved by the presentations, gaining a better understanding of this topic and making the decision to challenge themselves to celebrate family worship in their homes. Thanks be to God for allowing this forum among us. We will soon share the presentation materials and videos. Thank you for your prayers and collaboration.

Sincerely, UBF Latin America Online Forum Committee M. Juan Kim


Reporte de 11vo Foro en Línea en Español

Estimados compañeros de trabajo de la misión de UBF: Gracias a Dios por el 11vo Foro en línea de español se llevó cabo el viernes 29 de Septiembre, 2023. Sobre el tema de "Adoración en Familia", los dos ponentes compartieron sus ponencias con sus testimonios bonitos, aprendimos que la importancia de celebrar adoración en familia en el día a día.

Temas & Panelistas:

  1. Adoración en familia: todas las familias adoraran delante de Jehová - M. Goheun Rhee (Louisville, EEUU)
  2. Adoración familiar en el día a día - M. Luis Zambrano (Chile)

Más de 140 participantes participaron activamente con preguntas y opiniones edificantes. Sobre todo, muchos conmovieron por la ponencia, comprendiendo este tema y tomando la decisión de desafío para celebrar el culto familiar en sus hogares. Gracias a Dios por haber permitido este foro entre nosotros.

Pronto compartiremos los materiales de presentación y los videos.
Gracias por su oración y colaboración.


Comité del Foro en Línea de UBF América Latina

 M. Juan Kim

Dear UBF Mission Coworkers,

Thank and praise God for the revelation of his wonderful glory through ISBC 2023! May God help us to keep up with the advance of his kingdom works and to press on mission revival! We will have the 11th Spanish Online Forum on Friday, September 29, 2023. The topic will be “Family Worship.” With the Forum we are going to share the importance of family worship and how to incorporate it into your daily life. We hope you will join us in resuming the care of our children and house churches.

Topic: Family Worship
Date: Friday, September 29, 2023

Time: 7:00pm (MX, GT, HN, NI, SV), 8:00pm (CO, EC, PE, PA), 9:00pm (BO, DO, VE) 10:00pm (AR, BR, CL, PY, UY)

Panelists and presentations:
M. Goheun Park (Louisville,USA) – All the families will worship before the Lord.
M. Luis Zambrano(Chile) – Family worship in everyday life.
Moderator: M. Juan Kim (Nicaragua)

*You can join the Forum by clicking the Zoom link below.

Meeting ID:  872 9799 3248
Passcode: 565462

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