(EUROPE) 166 Coworkers Gathered Together to Prepare for the New Year with God's Word from December 27-28, 2022

  • by UBF HQ
  • Jan 03, 2023
  • 615 reads

by R*einer S*chauwienold

The New Year's Conference 2023 in Europe took place online on December 27-28, 2022. It was open to all coworkers in Europe. The conference was prepared by a team of young coworkers, who wholeheartedly prayed and worked to prepare and to make it run smoothly. 166 people (Individual, group or family) joined from all over Europe, HQ and Korea including Pator R*on Ward. 

On the first evening we had a group Bible study in English, German and Korean languages, on Romans 15:1-13, and listened to the message of Pastor
Ron Ward. God blessed the conference with his words and the clear spiritual direction to learn the mindset of Christ and glorify God through true unity. The attendees looked joyful. 

On the second evening there was testimony sharing in groups and a Forum on “Coworking across generations and cultures”. P*aul H*eo from Paris testified how the young people from France, Belgium, Switzerland and Montreal prepared the Francophone conference this summer and how he was used as a “bridge” between the young people and senior leaders. M*ateus S*ingh reported about the graceful coworking between missionaries and young generation in Portugal and how the young leaders are growing and taking over leadership in the ministry under the careful support and prayer of the missionaries. We closed the conference with prayer in groups and a graceful prayer meeting of the National Coordinators with Pastor R*on Ward. I thank God for blessing this online conference through his word and his Holy Spirit. May God help all of us to learn the mindset of Christ and glorify him through new unity in each chapter and country and all across Europe!