(COLOMBIA) Christmas Worship Service 2022

  • by UBF HQ
  • Dec 28, 2022
  • 453 reads

by M.A*ndres P*ark

M. A*ndres delivered a message on Lk 2:1-20. The participants learned that Jesus who was born humbly in a manger fulfilled the promise of God from Genesis and became our Savior. Young college students, S*antiago, V*aleria, D*iana, and M. J*uanita and H*arym praised the Lord with a song "La Noticia Sin Igual (The First Noel)." Also, they had a drama "A Savior has been born to you" presented by M. M*aria, R*odrigo, A*lexandre, and J*oice. They showed the true meaning of Christmas, which is to remember the birth of Jesus our Savior.

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