(M*ALAYSIA) Ministry News and Report of a Summer Retreat 2022

  • by UBF HQ
  • Nov 02, 2022
  • 604 reads

Recently in our ministry, God blessed us with a new born baby boy N*athanael to Ei and Wa on Sept 20, 2022. We pray for him to be like Nathanael, a disciple of Jesus. We also celebrated Sep-Oct birthdays for sister Adileen, Anna and little Samuel. 

As well, we had a summer retreat this past August 12-14, 2022; with the theme “Covenant and Community” (Ephesians 5:21-6:4). The first session was on the discussion around the topic of a grace-filled community. We learned about how fear and pride are barriers to live out God’s grace in the community. Thank God for Ronny who delivered the Sunday message titled “The Sub-Mission!” We are also thankful for the wonderful testimonies shared by Becky and Carole. We pray that they continue to grow as spiritual mothers for the church community.