(KOREA) Staff-Shepherd Fall Conference 2022

  • by UBF HQ
  • Oct 26, 2022
  • 787 reads

By Caleb Choi

From October 17th (Monday) to 19th (Wednesday), we had a staff-shepherd fall conference at Jecheon ES Resort for 3 days and 2 nights in person and online. More than 60 staff-members attended and had fellowship and received the grace of God together. As soon as we arrived at the conference site in the afternoon of the first day, we studied Luke 35 (20:19-21:4) “The God of the Living” in small groups. 

In the evening, as a special lecture for Post-Corona, A*braham Cho (Suncheon UBF) gave a theme presentation under the title, “Post- Corona 19 Campus Gospel Ministry”, and shepherd J*ohn In (Gwanak 5 UBF) gave a research presentation on the topic, “Thinking of the Post-Corona Staff Community” 

It was a useful lecture to learn how to productively and efficiently serve the gospel ministry on campus in a difficult situation due to Corona 19, and how the staff community can serve the ministry working together forming a stronger loving community. On the second day, we toured Jechen, the city with beautiful nature, and the beautiful autumn mountains of Danyang, and Cheongpung Lake having joyful fellowship and rest.

On the morning of the third day, we studied Luke 21:5-38, “Always Praying to Stand before the Son of Man” and learned that we should pray always being alert waiting for Jesus’ second coming.