• by UBF HQ
  • Oct 26, 2022
  • 805 reads


*Read the full report by downloading the pdf file below

The Northern Africa Regional Conference started in South Sudan on Friday, Oct 14 with around 80 participants (including 14 children) from Egypt, Sudan, and South Sudan.

The title of the conference is, "Vision of God." The first main message was delivered by J*ohnson D*aniel on John 5:1-16. He spoke about spiritual paralysis and urged that we should get up from our spiritual paralysis.

On the second day, after GBS S*tephen Dak delivered the second main message based on Gen 12:1-13:4 titled “You will be a blessing.” God has blessed the conference so far with the word of God.

Please continue to pray for the vision of God for Northern Africa. 

Prayer topics:
1. Establish 100 weekly Bible studies and Sunday worship service attendants.
2. To raise more spiritual leaders and excellent bible teachers.
3. To extend Bible house both vertically and horizontally.
4. To pioneer 5 public Universities and Catholic Universities.
5. UBF leaders to find solid job for self-supporting.
6. Establish 20 house churches by the year 2032.
7. To send long term missionaries to Chad and Central Africa by the year of 2032.


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