(2022 AFRICA CONF-WESTERN REGION REPORT) - Go and Make Disciples of All Nation

  • by UBF HQ
  • Oct 17, 2022
  • 651 reads


The western African regional conference was held in Nigeria from October 8-9, 2022. The conference was titled “Go and make disciples of all nations” based on Mathew 28:19.

We praise God who blessed the conference richly through our daily prayers for the conference. Before the conference started, the Nigerian chapter leader had the privilege to learn from Pastor R*on Ward and Pastor J*ohn Seo through a Q&A session.

The University had been closed for almost eight months because of labor disputes and underlining political issues. Each chapter struggled to serve students with bible study by keeping them living a common life and online bible study. We learn that we have to prepare ourselves with deep bible study and spiritual programs for the time our University will be fully opened. The conference started with group Bible study and S*amuel Jimmy delivered the first main message titled, "Seek first the kingdom of God." Through the message and testimony of his personal spiritual struggle to accept this word by faith during message preparation, Samuel urged us to trust in God and seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.

On Sunday we started with Bible study and a message by J*ohn Fato on Mt 28:16-20. “Go and make disciples of all nations”. J*ohn Fato challenged us to live as disciples of Jesus and go out by faith to make disciples of Jesus Christ. We also had many graceful testimonies during the conference. Our conference came to a glorious close with life-giving words and, a clear spiritual direction that inspired our faith through the message of our UBF General Director Pastor R*on Ward. We learn we must keep God’s word in our hearts and be full of His spirit and courage never turning to the right or left from God’s word to do God’s work making disciples for our Lord Jesus Christ. After the conference P. R*on Ward and D*rvilla and Pastor J*ohn Seo visited the three different campuses: the University of L*agos campus, the Medilag campus, and the Yabateach campus to plant seeds of prayer and encourage our Nigerian leaders. D*ervilla despite her hand that was injured was full of joy and smiles, encouraging our Shepherdesses and memorizing the names of our second gen children. Our Nigerian leaders were spiritually inspired by their humility, words of God, prayer life, and untiring attitude toward God’s work.

Please continue to pray for Bible N*igeria prayer topics:
• To love and obey the word of God always
• To work together for God's mission, across cultures and generations
• Pray for raising committed Disciples of Jesus.
• God may bless all the brothers and sisters in UBF Nigeria to practically teach the Bible and be fruitful to the kingdom of God.
• To have 40 Sunday worship attendance in each chapter.
• God may bless B*imbo and M*aria to raise one Abraham of faith in Unical and K*aduna p*olythenic.
• God may bless M*edilag Chapter, Y*abatech, and U*nilag Chapter 1 with a permanent Bible Center.
• God may give C*hiaka strength and wisdom in taking charge of the F*UNAI chapter and raising two faithful coworkers.
• God may raise more House Churches in the year 2023.