(GERMANY) Campus Pioneering in Koblenz & New Coworkers in Bonn City UBF

  • by UBF HQ
  • Sep 07, 2022
  • 958 reads

On 8/21, 2022 God blessed Tornau´s family (Christoph, Ms.Hanna, Abraham and Elisabeth) and sent them out to Koblenz with prayer of coworkers of BCU (Bonn City UBF) as a pioneer house church. Elke D. encouraged them with a message from Hebrews 12 (Key verse 2), as God's marathon runners to run with patience and perseverance and to serve victoriously the campus mission in Koblenz.

We thank God for the coming of M. P*eter and Susi H. from the Netherlands. As a diplomat, M.Peter H. will stay in Bonn with his family for two years and work with BCU for the campus mission. We thank the Lord that his Bible student Mary, who lives in the Netherlands, was connected to Worship Service via zoom. We pray for a suitable apartment nearby. We also thank God for the coming of Boemsu, who came to Germany for two semesters abroad to learn German. May God give him spiritual growth through Bible study and victory of faith to conquer German language.

Prayer topics of House church of family Tornau:
Key Verse Ezekiel 37:10: “So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet – a vast army.”
1) That we settle in well in Koblenz and form a harmonious house church through God's Word, prayer and spiritual fellowship;
2) For Romans Bible Study with BCU;
3) For Abraham´s changing school and Elizabeth´s enrolment in a school that they experience God's help;
4) For our joint Sunday service with BCU and Christophs message;
5) For raising disciples of Jesus, especially André, Benedikt, Philipp and also Florian and Shavkat;
6) that we may contribute to pioneering of 1,700 campuses in Europe that every student may be reached to Bible study.
By Shep. Joachim Dietzel