(GERMANY) Children Attended Their First In-Person KBF Conference Since 2019

  • by UBF HQ
  • Aug 16, 2022
  • 718 reads

By G*race Richelshagen

God abundantly blessed the 2022 KBF (Kid's Bible Fellowship) Conference in Germany from August 5-8, 2022. This was the first in-person Kid's Conference since 2019, and the theme was "Who Are You, Jesus?"

Parents and teachers voluntarily participated in 4 online meetings to prepare the conference. God raised preachers from among the parents: T*oni Demir (Heidelberg), P*eter Lee (Aschaffenburg), R*ebekka Song (Freiburg), M*ichael Pohl (Koeln), H*enoch Hong (Heidelberg) and C*hristoph Tornau (soon to raise a ministry in Koblenz University). Three of these preachers are school teachers! Each of them explained very clearly using pictures that Jesus is the light of the world, the good shepherd, the way and the truth and the life, the resurrection, and the vine. Children were allowed to ask questions during the sermon. C*hristoph said that his daughter E*lisabeth (a preschooler) created a beautiful painting about Jesus. A*braham Kong said that through T*oni's sermon "Jesus, The Light of Life," he was able to repent for his sins. Yes, Jesus says that we are to be like children to enter the kingdom of God. Amen! The children had fun getting to know each other in the Christian leisure center Mücke. Surely, this conference will remain a beautiful memory. We pray for a good venue and a blessed KBF conference next year.

We ask for prayers for G*race Rechelshagen, who transitioned to leadership, and we are very grateful for S*hinok Rohrmoser's leadership for the past few years! Detailed reports in German and Korean are attached below.

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