(TAIWAN) Y*awen Started a New Pioneering Ministry for Asia University in Taiwan

  • by UBF HQ
  • Aug 03, 2022
  • 533 reads

I (Y*awen) started to study the Bible and joined Kaohsiung UBF in 2008. A*llison is my Bible teacher. I graduated from NSYSU (National Sun Yat-sen University) in 2008, and started doing my Ph.D in NSYSU in 2014. In early 2019, due to schoolwork, I had to move to Yunlin (a city located in central Taiwan). Sometime later, A*llison encouraged me to serve Sunday worship serivce there, so I rented a small camp house nearby NYUST (National Yunlin University of Science and Technology) and started the ministry. Currently, the main workers in this ministry are me and S*arah Lee. S*arah is my classmate in the master program. She used to work in Taitung city (east side of Taiwan). She was evangelized by R*ebekah from Chicago UBF when R*ebekah visited Taitung in 2016. S*arah has been studying with R*ebekah since then. In order to join the ministry, she applied for a job transfer and moved to the west side of Taiwan in January 2020.

I graduated from my Ph.D last summer, and I’m currently working in Asia University as a contract-based assistant professor since last August. S*arah is currently working in the government department, while also studying for her Ph.D in education. Sisters from KHUBF would come to visit and support us from time to time. Some students, faculty and staff would join our Sunday worship services and group Bible studies occasionally.

Our prayer topics are:
1. For Y*awen to get tenure the next year
2. For S*arah to complete her dissertation and graduate
3. For Y*awen & S*arah to have new Bible students in Asia University

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