(BRAZIL) S*amuel Kim (Sao Paulo UBF) and J*oana Kim (Campinas UBF) Married on June 25, 2022

  • by UBF HQ
  • Jul 06, 2022
  • 829 reads

By T*imoteo Han

By the grace of the Lord, two second generation missionaries, S*amuel Kim (São Paulo UBF) and J*oana Kim (Campinas UBF) established a beautiful family on June 25, 2022. Pastor J*ames Suh (Kyung Sung UBF, Korea) delivered a wedding message based on Hebrews 11:6.

Their prayer topics are:
1. To depend on God alone for both spiritual and practical needs
2. To cowork well with the servants of the Lord at Campinas UBF
3. That they may be the light for Unicamp students