(UBF VISION ACADEMY) Vision Academy: Registration for Summer Term Courses

  • by UBF HQ
  • May 15, 2024
  • 2575 reads

*The Vision Academy is not the Vision Camp. Visit the website (https://academy.visionubf.org) for more information about the Vision Academy.

We are excited to announce the following Summer 2024 courses of the UBF Vision Academy. Registration is open now at academy.visionubf.org.

* Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (Part 1) (Greg Lewis, Erick Lopez, Mary Lee)
* AI and Faith: Understanding Generative AI and Its Impact on Your Career (Joseph Cho)
* 행복한 결혼을 위한 나침반: 결혼준비부터 부부갈등 해결까지 (David Nam) [in Korean language]

We pray that the Lord may bless this program to bring glory to God and vision and encouragement to the youth in our ministries around the world. Vision Academy offers online courses that are biblical and practical for today's young people. You can check out the details and register at https://academy.visionubf.org/ for any of the above courses (or pass this information to your friends). Do you have any questions about Vision Academy? Contact us at visionacademy@bs.ubf.org or check out the FAQs on the Academy web (academy.visionubf.org).

UBF Vision Academy offers online courses that are biblical and practical for the youth in our ministry with the prayer that God may grant them his vision and encouragement. For any questions about Vision Academy, contact us at: visionacademy@bs.ubf.org or refer to the Vision Academy FAQs at https://academy.visionubf.org/faqs