(S*RI-L*ANKA) The Second House Church was Established in K*otte UBF

  • by UBF HQ
  • Jun 22, 2022
  • 552 reads

By L*uke J.

By the grace of God, there was a wedding between M*oses and J*oy at a methodist church.

This is the second house church in K*otte UBF, and God blessed the wedding abundantly. I (L*uke) officiated the wedding based on Genesis 12:2, "You will be a blessing." More than 60 people came to celebrate it, and more than half of the attendants were unbelievers. They could hear God's grace and call to Abraham through the wedding. Please pray for M*oses and J*oy to be a source of blessing like Abraham's family for lost souls. We also pray for the family members of M*oses and J*oy to come to know Jesus and experience God's salvation.