(GERMANY) Germany Had a Joint Spring Bible Conference Titled "The Heart of God" on June 10-12, 2022

  • by UBF HQ
  • Jun 22, 2022
  • 656 reads

By J*oachim

“But you should be cheerful and of good cheer; for this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.” (Luke 15:32)

We thank God for hosting the joint Spring Bible Conference with Bonn-City, Aschaffenburg and Kolenz in Rodershausen/Eifel from June 10-12, 2022 under the title "The Heart of God." 

Four main speakers delivered messages: A*lexander from Bonn-City (Luke 9); P*eter from Aschaffenburg (Luke 15), X*enofon from Bonn-City (Luke 12) and C*hrisoph from Koblenz (Luke 14). J*oachim from Bonn-City gave the final message on Luke 6:12-13.

We could understand with greater depth God's broken heart for lost sinners and were renewed with God's great desire to save all through faith in Jesus. We were encouraged to faithfully serve campus mission by inviting students to heavenly supper with Jesus. We learned that God's joy is great when a sinner repents and turns to Him. Through Luke 15:1-32, we could remember the unconditional love of God who sought, found, and forgave us with his great grace and warmly accepted us as God's children. We were greatly encouraged to see students in Bonn, Aschaffenburg and Koblenz with a heart of God. God blessed our conference with two gracious testimonies of faith from M*onica (Bonn-City) and M*aria (Aschaffenburg). As second-generation missionaries, both witnessed the one-sided grace of God in their lives. Although they have at times failed to understand God's guidance in the past, they have learned in retrospect that God was the best guide and blessing in their lives. For this they thanked God from the bottom of their hearts. Through a vivid report by C*hristiane (Bonn-City) on the first part of the book "Life with Mission" we were able to think more deeply about some aspects of the purpose for which God created us and gave us a new life in Jesus. She herself was greatly encouraged as God is always by her side as her best friend and was convicted to love and please him by dedicating her whole life to him. We ended the program with a heart-moving play "The Lost Sheep," performed by our next generation and our children.  

We thank God for prayer support, especially from the staff of the Kwanak-3 Center and Germany UBF, so that we could celebrate a heavenly feast with the Word of God and have edifying fellowship. May God use Bonn-City-, Aschaffenburg- and Koblenz-UBF preciously this year according to Luke 6:12,13 as a praying community raising disciples of Jesus for campus mission.