(AFRICA) 4 Regional Conferences 2022 - See All Programs and Schedules

  • by UBF HQ
  • Sep 21, 2022
  • 1774 reads


1. Eastern Regional conference, 23-25 September 2022
(1) Nations - Kenya, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Uganda(host nation)
(2) Messengers
- Sh. Ambrose : Nehemiah 2:17-18
- Sh. Fredrick : Hebrews 12:1-12
- Sh. Julius : Matthew 28:16-20
(3) Sh. Steven from Uganda is the online host

2. Southern Regional Conference, 30 September-2 October 2022
(1) Nations – Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa(host nation)
(2) Messengers
- Sh. Boas : Mark 9:14-29
- Sh. Donald : Mark 6:30-44
- Sh. Blessed : Jeremiah 1:1-19
- Sh. Billy : Mark 10:32-45
(3) Sh. Chris from Wits UBF(South Africa) is the online host
(4) Need to pray for Sh. Boas to travel to South Africa in order to deliver his message.

3. Western Regional Conference, 8-9 October 2022
(1) Nations : Nigeria(host nation), Ghana
(2) Messengers
- Sh. Samuel : Matthew 6:19-34
- Sh. Tayo : Matthew 28:16-20
(3) Msn. Peter Park, Msn. Andrew Yun will visit from Korea, and co-work during the conference

4. Northern Regional Conference, 14-16 October 2022
(1) Nations : Egypt, South Sudan(host nation)
(2) Messengers
- Sh. Johnson Daniel : John 5:1-14
- Sh. Stephen : Genesis 12:1-20
- Dr. Rose : Isaiah 54:1-17
(3) Msn. Andrew and hope Kim will visit from Korea, and co-work during the conference
(4) Need to pray for travel expenditure that nine members from Egypt Chapter to attend the conference.

5. ETHIOPIA ; Ethiopia civil war broke out on 24 August. Tigray rebel tries to attack the capital city Addis Ababa. Please pray for the safety of missionary Samuel Yoo and his family in Jimma city, Ethiopia.

6. SOUTH SUDAN ; M. Andrew and Sowon Kim plans to attend Northern Regional Conference that will be held in Juba, South Sudan on 14 October. Please pray for them to obtain entry visa for South Sudan, because the process is being delayed after they have completed visa application.

7. GHANA ; M. Paul Yoon arrived in Accra, Ghana from Seoul on 06 July 2022. There he contacted Shepherd Kingsley and Shepherdess Linda, sheep of M. Truman Lee who is presently staying in Canada (Missionary to Canada). M. Paul Yoon started one to one Bible study with them on weekly base. M. Paul Yoon prays for their spiritual growth and beginning worship service with them on Sunday.

8. SOUTH AFRICA ; This month electricity outage occurs three times a day in South Africa. Every time, it lasts for more than two hours. Please pray for stable electricity supply during the three days of the regional conference, 30 September to 02 October.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

As you know, this year we are praying especially for the UBF ministries in Africa. There will be regional Bible conferences, either hybrid or in person. The Southern Region conference (hybrid) will be held from Friday, September 30 through Sunday, October 2. The conference title is, "You Give them Something to Eat," based on the key verse of Mark 6:37. Please pray for the messengers who have been chosen: Boas Chisha (Zambia), Donald Moteme (Wits), Blessed Fungirayi (Zimbabwe), Billy Moloi (UP), and the special lecture by Sh. Nehemiah Kim.  The Northern Region conference (in person) will be held from Friday, October 14 through Sunday, October 16. The conference title is, "Vision of God," based on the key verse of Genesis 12:2 Please pray for the messengers who have been chosen so far: Johnson Deng, Johnson Daniel, and Stephen Dak. The conference programs are attached. As more prayer topics are available for these conferences, as well as those in the Eastern and Western Regions, we will pass them on for your prayer.

May God bless Africa through his word and work during these conferences.

HQ World Mission Department

These are the African Regional conferences that will take place:
1. Eastern Africa: Hybrid | September 23-25, 2022 | Uganda - Program attached below
2. Southern Africa: Hybrid | September 30-October 2, 2022 | Wits, South Africa - Program attached below
3. Western Africa: In-person | October 8-9, 2022 | Nigeria - Program attached below
4. Northern Africa: In-person | October 14-16, 2022 | Juba, South Sudan - Program attached below

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