(R*USSIA) The S*aint-Peterburg II Art Chapter Was Blessed to Welcome 3 Newcomers to Their Spring Conference

  • by UBF HQ
  • May 17, 2022
  • 723 reads

By N*ehemiah Lee

This Easter, St. Petersburg II Art chapter held their spring conference in-person.

M*oses Geum and P*eter Kim prepared messages; and A*nna So and M*arsha Park shared their life testimonies. A total of 15 people attended the retreat, including 3 newcomers. All the co-workers and second-generation members sacrificially served the retreat. P*aul Noh provided lodging and delicious meals. We thank God for His abundant blessings through the conference. We pray to share the joy of Jesus' resurrection by inviting students to hear the Gospel.