(R*USSIA) The S*aint-Petersburg I Chapter Had Their Spring Retreat with the Theme "Jesus, the Bread of Life"

  • by UBF HQ
  • May 17, 2022
  • 787 reads

By C*aleb Han

We praise God for blessing the St. P*etersburg I spring retreat on May 7-8, 2022 with His words of life. The theme was "Jesus, the Bread of Life" based on John 6, and the message was delivered by H*an Caleb. N*atasha Bembeeva spoke on Luke 19, "The Son of Man Came to Seek and to Save the Lost." S*arah, J*oanna, M*arsha, and J*ima wrote deep and sincere testimonies.

During this period of unrest, we deeply meditated on Jesus, who alone is the Giver of life, and we prayed for desire to seek Him more earnestly. We were all once lost, but we can overcome life's obstacles (COVID pandemic, war, fear, and anxiety) through Jesus who will surely give us victory.