(GERMANY) Bonn City UBF Celebrated Good Friday With Cologne UBF and Easter With P*eter and C*hristoph's House Churches

  • by UBF HQ
  • May 02, 2022
  • 725 reads

By J*oachim Dietzel

Bonn City UBF had wonderful fellowship with Cologne UBF on Good Friday. We are grateful to God that we could spend time with G*ideon from Nigeria and encourage him.

On Sunday, we had Easter worship service with P*eter Lee's house church (Aschaffenburg) and C*hristoph Tornau's house church. C*hristoph is praying to move his house church from Bonn to Koblenz this year. We pray that God will provide them with affordable and suitable housing near the campus. Lastly, on April 27th, M*ia Ripken was born to A*lexander and M*onica Ripken. May God continue to use A*lexander and M*onica according to Genesis 12:2 so that they may be a great blessing for His work of salvation, especially among the Bonn City students.