(UGANDA) Uganda UBF Had a Joint 2022 Easter Bible Conference Titled "He is Risen!" With Makerere and Kyambogo UBF

  • by UBF HQ
  • May 02, 2022
  • 483 reads

By S*teven Sebbale

The Uganda UBF ministry held a joint Easter Conference with Makerere and Kyambogo UBF from April 15-17, 2022. The title was “He is Risen!”

We earnestly prayed to have an in-person conference after the COVID pandemic. By the grace of God, we managed to get a suitable venue at a guest house, about 65 Kilometers from the Makerere UBF Bible Center. On Good Friday, the opening message by J*onas was titled, “God Promised Redemption” based on Genesis 3:1-24. Many were moved by the message and wrote heart-moving testimonies. In the evening, we had panel discussion on the meaning of Jesus' resurrection today. On the second day, S*teven delivered a morning devotional message titled "By His Wounds" based on Isaiah 53:1-5. Through this message, we were challenged to accept who Jesus says He is in the Bible, and we accepted His sacrifical love for us. The main lecture was delivered by A*mbrose from Matthew 27:11-61. The title was “Jesus the King of the Jews.” We were moved to repent deeply for our sins that nailed Jesus to the cross. On Easter morning, one of our growing Bible students C*ollins prepared a message from Acts 2:22-28; and we were moved by Peter’s clear testimony through the work of the Holy Spirit. Our main Easter Message was delivered by K*enneth on Mark 16:1-20, “He is Risen!" We were filled with living hope and surrendered to the risen Jesus, allowing Him to work in our ministry.

Prayer topics:
1. Preparation for the Africa Leaders Conference
2. Fundraising to complete the church construction work
3. Strategy for post-COVID ministry in Uganda