(MEXICO) The Mexico City UBF Chapters Were Touched by God's Word Through Their 2022 Easter Bible Conference "The Eternal Love of Jesus"

  • by UBF HQ
  • Apr 26, 2022
  • 556 reads

By R*aul Muñoz

Our 2022 Easter Bible Conference theme was "The Eternal Love of Jesus." It took place from April 14-17, and a total of 222 participated. We prayed for the conference every morning during 6am online meetings. Through this, God prepared our hearts and blessed us abundantly with his grace at the conference. The 7 messengers prepared amazing messages with the broken heart of Jesus, and our hearts were touched by the word of God. 5 leaders shared their life testimony, glorifying the name of Christ. We all received the grace of God through the group Bible studies (15 groups), where we all deeply repented and confessed our sins. At the festival night, we listened to beautiful music played by the orchestra, watched wonderful dances, and enjoyed a play that emphasized the urgency to preach the gospel at university campuses with resurrection faith. Many UBF chapters joined us including Querétaro 4, Cuautitlán 15, Acatlán 26, Santiago 5 and El Salvador 19. The Lord revived our spirit and gave us the vision to faithfully serve his work. Praise be to Jesus who touched our hearts with his love and lifted us up!

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