(INDONESIA) W*illiam Kim Shares Important BSD UBF and Karawachi UBF News and Prayer Topics

  • by UBF HQ
  • Apr 26, 2022
  • 446 reads

By W*illiam Kim

By the grace of God, we finished Romans Bible study at the beginning of 2022 and are now studying Genesis. T*imothy and B*ella were raised as spiritual leaders and campus Bible teachers; and Y*ulia has grown to be a woman of faith. Recently, she has been studying the "House Church Bible Study Series" with missionaries in the USA and Indonesia and prays for her marriage by faith. Furthermore, we praise and thank God that H*otgantina gave birth to a daughter by C-section. Please pray for her healthy recovery. We also ask for earnest prayers for the healing of G*race Kim, J*oshua Kim's wife. She has been in the rehabilitation process after her brain surgery a couple of years ago in Korea. The left side of her body has been paralyzed. In regards to our worship services, we continuously pray for our joint Sunday services with Karawaci UBF (led by J*oshua Kim) twice a month. Both ministries consists of one family and need constant wisdom and guidance from the Lord. Lastly, please pray for my new life direction. My wife, M*arie Kim, was hired by an international school in Hong Kong. We are planning to move to Hong Kong in early July and ask for your prayers for our new mission life ahead of us.