(GERMANY) Darmstadt 1 and Dusseldorf UBF Witnessed the Power of Jesus' Resurrection at Their 2022 Joint Easter Bible School

  • by UBF HQ
  • Apr 26, 2022
  • 566 reads

By M*oses Lee 

On April 16, 2022, Darmstadt 1 UBF and Düsseldorf UBF held a joint Easter Bible school. 16 people joined, and they learned resurrection faith through 1 Corinthians 15.

In her opening message, R*ebecca Grace Yoon (Düsseldorf UBF) powerfully testified about Jesus' resurrection according to the scriptures. The main lecture by E*llen (Darmstadt 1) was about the resurrection body, the sound of the last trumpet, and final victory over the power of death. We were convicted to stand firm and devote ourselves to the work of the Lord. J*oseph Lee, a 2nd gen missionary (Darmstadt UBF), testified on how he overcame doubts and loneliness while studying for medical school with resurrection faith. H*anna Oh from Minsk gave a powerful testimony on how she has served discipleship while working and raising children for the past 30 years with resurrection faith. On Easter Sunday, we joined the Easter worship service in Cologne or Mannheim. Through the conference, we powerfully encountered the Risen Christ. May we be bold witnesses of His resurrection!