(THE 21ST ENGLISH FORUM-VIDEO) "Learning Humility: Servant Leadership."

  • by UBF HQ
  • Apr 24, 2022
  • 1045 reads

The 21st English Online Forum was held on Sat., April 30, with the topic of "Learning Humility: Servant Leadership." Around 80 members attended. Dr. Henry Kim (Canada) shared about "Leadership and Servantship," taking the balance of these two elements for young generation disciple ministry. Sh. Jason Koch (LA) reported his testimonial ministry in LA youth mission, and M. David Park (LA) with  theoretical approach ("Humility, Sacrifice, Showing example, and trusting relationship). P. Ron delivered great message of encouragement with the words of John 13:1-5, knowing the final victory and the work of Holy Spirit and serving weaknesses with Jesus' mindset. Thank God for inspiring our mission coworkers with his servant Leadership and wisdom. The 22nd Forum (Korean Forum, May 7; English Forum, May 21) is scheduled with the topic of "Understanding Youth and CBF Ministry." 

Ezra Cho

Dear UBF Mission Coworkers,

We will have the 21st English Online Forum on Saturday, April 30, 2022. The topic will be Learning Humility: Servant Leadership.” It is time to adapt the changing spiritual conditions of the campus and raise the spiritual leaders of the next generation. In such times, we should learn the servant leadership of our Lord Jesus through the Forum and gain the wisdom of God. Please join the Forum to gain God’s wisdom and learn servant leadership for campus evangelism.  

Date: Saturday, April 30, 2022.
Time: 10am (CDT Chicago, USA), 11am (EDT New York, USA), 5pm (CEST Berlin, Germany), 12am (Sunday, KST Korea)  

The time zone in European countries has been changed since daylight saving began on March 27. 

Target Attendees: English-speaking leaders and 2nd gens   
Panelists: Dr. Henry Kim (St. George, Canada), M. David Park (LA, USA), Sh. Jason Koch (LA, USA), P. Ron Ward (Vice GD, Chicago UBF Senior Pastor)
Moderator: Dr. Helen Rarick (USA)

Presented via Zoom: The Zoom invitation will be sent out to registered emails prior to the meeting. If you want to join the 21th English Online Forum, please register on the HQ Website today (https://ubf.org/onlineforum/english).    

* UBF Online Forum Committee
   Chair: Dr. Ezra Cho (ezra5978@gmail.com)