(LATIN AMERICA/UPDATE) I*saac Park (Iztacala, Mexico) Was Inaugurated as the New Latin America Continental Coordinator

  • by UBF HQ
  • Jul 06, 2022
  • 553 reads


E*steban Cho, the former Latin America Continental Coordinator, shared a testimony based on Mark 10:45. He is beyond thankful for the last four years because he learned the servantship of Christ and saw God's glory in his life. He expressed his gratitude to the regional coordinators who worked together with him. I*saac Cho (La Plata, Argentina) also testifed, "In the process of working together with the continental coordinators such as E*lías Park and E*steban Cho during the last 6 years with a unanimous heart, I was able to see the beginnings of the history of discipleship and the work of God, especially within the transfer of leadership to local missionary, J*uan Carlos Vivas."

M*oses Yoon, the current director general of UBF, expressed his gratitude to E*steban Cho and the other regional coordinators, who have worked tirelessly for the past 4 years. He congratulated I*saac Park (Iztacala, Mexico), the new Continental Coordinator, and the regional coordinators J*uan Kim (Nicaragua), N*oe Jeong (Brasil), D*avid Hong (CU, Mexico), J*osue Chun (Chile), J*osue Miker ( Panama) and A*braham Eric Quiroz (Bolivia); he blessed them with 1 Corinthians 4:2. May they be good and faithful servants for the people of God in Latin America. M*oses Yoon presented a plaque of appreciation to E*steban Cho, and A*braham Hwang and T*imothy Lee presented a plaque of appreciation to the four regional coordinators.

I*saac Park shared his life testimony based on Deuteronomy 6:5 and 5 prayer topics for Latin America UBF:
1. For the strengthening of a united community in Latin America with the love of Jesus Christ
2. To encourage the ministry of discipleship through Bible study and witness
3. To foster family discipleship through family worship ministry
4. For the succession of spiritual leadership to local leaders
5. To send out missionaries to the 7 unexplored countries of Latin America and to other continents


By J*uan Moon

I*saac Park (Iztacala, Mexico) was elected as the next Latin America Coordinator. He went to Mexico as a missionary in 1997 and has been pioneering the Iztacala chapter since 2002.

His prayer topics are:
1. That the community may love each other with the love of Jesus
2. For the disciple-making ministry through one-on-one Bible study
3. Family discipleship through house church ministry
4. Leadership delegation through active participation of local leaders
5. Sending out missionaries to 7 countries in Latin America and beyond
6. To understand, serve, and work with the precious co-workers who carry out their missions with faith and devotion

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