(EUROPE) A House Church Ministry in North Macedonia Shares a 2021 Ministry Report

  • by UBF HQ
  • Apr 05, 2022
  • 549 reads

By B*anabas Kang 

God has been with our house church during the difficult pandemic and has provided for our needs both spiritually and practically. Our Bible student S*anya, who started Bible study because she wanted to learn Korean, loves and desires the word of God. Her mother sat next to her and listened to the Bible study. Another bible student M*ilena loves God and studies the Bible regularly. She experienced God’s provision for her practical needs. God used P*etra as their bible teacher.

I studied the book of Isaiah in 2020 and the book of Jeremiah in 2021. I was convicted to serve each Bible student and our five children with the love of Jesus. I tried to set an example instead of merely pushing them to study the word of God, write testimony, etc. Gradually, they began to memorize the word of God and write testimonies with spiritual desire. Even in the midst of the pandemic, God provided us with what we needed practically. I am thankful for God’s grace and love for me and my family. I want to be a Bible teacher who is not ashamed of the gospel and does God's work in this country.

Prayer Topics:
1. Bible study for 2 hours every day
2. To hold an online Bible cafe every month
3. P*etra Kang's doctoral dissertation
4. Self-support through retail shop scheduled to open on May 1, 2022