(THE 21ST KOREAN FORUM-VIDEO) "Learning Humility: Servant Leadership."

  • by UBF HQ
  • Apr 10, 2022
  • 1128 reads


The 21th Korean Forum was held with the topic of "Learning Humility: Servant Leadership." Around 115 mission coworkers attended this Forum, sharing God's wisdom of servant leadership and Jesus' humility. M. D*avid Park (LA, USA) presented 'friendship leadership' and paradigm shift of our attitude towards others. M. P*aul K (Asia) showed how God demonstrated his blessings and mercy in M. ministry for 30 years, using his servant leadership. So amazing testimony. P. Moses Yoon (General Director) clarified the real meaning of servant leadership with Proverbs 19:22 and 1 Chronicles 12:18, touching our hearts! We had wonderful discussion and fellowship with mission coworkers with Korean Forum! We will update videos soon or visit UBF Korean Forum YOUTUBE channel.

In Christ, Ezra Cho
*We will not post M. Paul K.'s lecture video due to security issues. Thank you for your understanding. 

<Introduction to the 21st Forum>

Dear UBF Mission Coworkers,

We will have the 21th Korean Online Forum on Saturday, April 2, 2022. The topic will be “Learning Humility: Servant Leadership.” It is time to adapt the changing spiritual conditions of the campus and raise the spiritual leaders of the next generation. In such times, we should learn the servant leadership of our Lord Jesus through the Forum and gain the wisdom of God. Please join the Forum to gain God’s wisdom and learn servant leadership for campus evangelism.  

Date: Saturday, April 2, 2022.
Time: 9am (EDT New York, USA), 8am (CDT Chicago, USA), 3pm (CEST Berlin, Germany), 10pm (KST Korea), 9pm (Singapore)

*The listed time zones are applied after daylight saving on March 13
Target Attendees: Korean Missionaries and Leaders 
Panelists: M. Paul K. (Asia), M. David Park (LA, USA), P. Moses Yoon (General Director)
Moderator: TBD

* 21 한국어 포럼: “섬김의 리더쉽 배우기: 종의 리더쉽날짜: 2022 42 (토요일)
시간오전 9 (뉴욕), 오전 8 (시카고), 오후 3 (독일), 오후 10 (한국)

* 북미지역 일광절약시간제 (섬머타임)가 3/13일부터, 유럽이 3/28일부터 적용되므로 시간대를 주의해서 참석해주시기바랍니다.
발표자: K. 바울 선교사 (아시아), 다윗 선교사 (미국), 모세 선교사 (세계대표)                                              

*21 한국어 포럼 주제는 섬김의 리더쉽 배우기: 종의 리더쉽입니다. 빠르게 변화하는 캠퍼스의 영적 상황에 새롭게 적응하고, 다음 세대 영적 리더들을 세워나가야 시기입니다. 이러한 시기에, 우리 주님의 섬김의 리더쉽을 깊이 배우며, 이를 위한 하나님의 지혜를 함께 나누고자 합니다. 포럼에 선교동역자님들을 초청합니다

Presented via Zoom: The Zoom invitation will be sent out to registered emails prior to the meeting. If you want to join the 21th Korean Online Forum, please register on the HQ Website today (https://ubf.org/onlineforum/korean).    

* UBF Online Forum Committee
   Chair: Dr. Ezra Cho (ezra5978@gmail.com)

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