(GERMANY) Bonn City UBF Members Visited O*yor Moses' Family on February 28, 2022

  • by UBF HQ
  • Mar 10, 2022
  • 628 reads

By J*oachim Dietzel, Bonn City UBF

E*lke and J*oachim Dietzel visited O*yor Moses' Family in Deudesfeld near Gerolstein on February 28, 2022. We thank God that A*nna-Petra (age 18) and J*udith (age 15) joined us. We encouraged them to keep trusting in God. We also brought some groceries and something tasty for everyone and went for a prayer walk.

I give thanks to God because he continues to extend his gracious and protective hand over each of them. May God grant them all good health and give wisdom to their lawyer so that a positive decision will be made on their asylum. H*anna, the second daughter, is still being treated in a mental health clinic and needs constant prayer support. Their third daughter, S*unday, is doing better and going back to school, but she is still weak and needs prayer support.