(ARGENTINA) Buenos Aires UBF Had a 2022 Summer Bible Conference From February 25 to March 1, 2022

  • by UBF HQ
  • Mar 08, 2022
  • 391 reads

By C*aleb Kuper 

We celebrated our summer Bible conference from February 25 to March 1, 2022 at a beautiful place called Chascomús. We prayed for over 40 participants. Amazingly, 53 attended: 43 in person and 7-10 people via Zoom. Through the conference, two brothers C*ristian & L*ucio and one sister S*ofía were baptized. Some international guests joined our conference via Zoom: M*auro and M*irtha from Brazil, the mother of M*irtha from Paraguay, R*omina from USA, and P*amela from Bolivia.

Through the conference we restored our faith, hope and love as well as our focus on eternity. We returned to our mission field full of living water and clear direction to be fishers of men and make disciples at University of Buenos Aires. May God bless the campus pioneering work in Argentina through fishing, one-to-one Bible study, and the formation of new house churches.

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