(POLAND) Poland UBF Remembers God's Abundant Grace

  • by UBF HQ
  • Feb 22, 2022
  • 628 reads

By E*lijah Park

In 2021, God encouraged us to dwell among the words of God richly in spite of the pandemic. We learned of the gospel spirit through Romans study and of the hope of God through 7 special lectures. Missionary E*lijah Park read the Polish Bible with S*ebastian Tonn each week. S*ebastian accepted Jesus as his personal Lord, loved the words of God, and served God's ministry with us. Missionary D*eborah Park served J*ieun, D*onata, H*eywon Yoon, M*arta A, and M*arta M. Our three 2nd gens grew up to serve God willingly and wholeheartedly. They became good friends of our Bible students and served our Sunday worship services. Missionary A*be and S*arah of Kuwait UBF loved our 2nd gens and studied the Bible with them. By God’s grace, P*olan (Univ.5) and P*aul (Univ. 3) loved the word of God and read it diligently, growing spiritually.

We had joyful family prayer meetings three times a week regularly. I was given the blessed opportunity to study the Bible with European coordinators led by excellent Bible teachers like Dr. M*ark Yang and other coworkers. I had spiritual challenges, and I suffered a lot from the coronavirus and received a serious surgery in January. But by the prayers and love of God’s servants from Europe, the US and the world, God recovered me to continue to serve God and the Polish ministry. All was possible only by God’s grace!