(HQ ELC 2024) Seeking 5-8 Candidates for a 7th team: "Gospel" Cohort 2024 (Application Deadline: October 30, 2023)

  • by UBF HQ
  • Sep 16, 2023
  • 797 reads

Dear North America Chapter Directors and Leaders: Greetings in Jesus' name!

Dear North America Chapter Directors and Leaders:

Greetings in Jesus' name! 

The Emerging Leaders Cohort program was developed to provide HQ level education and discipleship for key emerging leaders of UBF chapters in North America and around the world. It provides a platform where key leaders meet with senior staff/leaders to build up relationships, learn and grow in God’s word, and embrace God’s vision for the future of UBF.

We are seeking 5-8 candidates for a new team (7th team: "Gospel" cohort) which begins in January 2024. The application deadline is October 31. The candidates should be:

  1. Disciples with a solid Bible study history and the desire to serve Christ’s mission, especially campus ministry
  2. Post-graduates with shepherding experience 
  3. Recommended by their chapter leader

The course requires about 3 hours of work per week, in addition to a 2-hour meeting roughly every other week, with summers off. It's a 2 and half-year program with 20 topics (noted below). Each session lasts 5-8 weeks. Sessions are facilitated by about 20 UBF staff/leaders in North America.

The cost is $200/year as well as the cost of books (usually 1 book per session, avg. $20 per book). We hope each chapter can help with this cost if needed.

Here is an outline of the 20 sessions:

  • God and His Reign; Essential Theology; Ministerial Person; Grace and Faith; Worship; Inductive Bible Study; Walking by the Spirit; Community of Christ
  • Prayer; Evangelism; Preaching; Marriage and Family; Apologetics; Counseling; Spiritual Warfare; Leadership
  • Ethical Topics; Multicultural Ministry; History of Missions; Student Missions

Please pray about it and let us know as soon as possible if you have any candidates. Apply with life testimony (3-5 pages) and chapter director’s recommendation. Please call or email any of us with any questions regarding this program. (Here are some testimonials: https://youtu.be/q8l-yEh0ZSI). Grace be with you! 

*Emerging Leaders Cohort Committee: P.Kevin Albright (pastorkevinubf@gmail.com), Dr. Augustine Suh (augustinsuh@gmail.com), P. Joshua Hong (sunggyung@gmail.com)
*North America Coordinator: P. Mark Vucekovich
*General Director: P. Ron Ward

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