(AUSTRALIA) Melbourne UBF had a 2022 Summer Bible Conference

  • by UBF HQ
  • Feb 08, 2022
  • 696 reads

By M*oses Kang

Melbourne UBF had its 2022 Melbourne Summer Bible Conference from January 28-30, 2022. It’s theme, bible study questionnaires & other programs were organized and prepared by the young generation. The main theme was "The Greatest Commandment: Love God and Love your Neighbors," based on Matthew 22:37-40. And we had three lectures, which were Deuteronomy 6:1-12 (N*ick Livingston), Romans 12:9-20 (D*aniel Yang), and John 13:1-17 (J*oseph Yang). E*sther Sim Jr., F*elicity Wang, and S*arah Yang prepared questionnaires and served 3 bible studies. Through the lectures, everyone reflected on the importance of loving and serving one another as a necessary extension of the greatest commandment - to love God with our everything. We hope that N*ick & D*aniel grow as good messengers.

F*ei Mo served a symposium with the title "Christian Work." The meaning, purpose and attitude towards work were presented and later discussed in smaller groups. The night programs were prepared by G*race Kim, J*oanne Sim, and F*aith Kim and were a series of beautiful, enjoyable fellowship building events. All attendees (21 adults) enjoyed the conference, especially deep bible studies and messages. We thank God who granted us the wonderful summer Bible conference even during the pandemic.